

On 22 February 2021, Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL) issued a report on ‘Implementation of Government Allowances in...
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Gender Based Violence in the Walmart Garment Supply Chain

Tola Meun, Executive Director of CENTRAL says, “Gender based violence is a daily reality for women garment workers driven to meet unrealistic production targets in Walmart supply chains. Most of these cases are not reported due to fear of retaliation in the workplace.”

Bestseller – a good deal for all?

The aim of the current research was to gain insight into the working conditions and wage levels of two suppliers to the Danish company Bestseller A/S (from now «Bestseller») – one in Cambodia and one in India. The report aims to provide essential insights into Bestseller as a multinational; its turnover, which producer countries it sources from, its main markets, as well as some of the promises the Danish company has made regarding supply chain management.

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