Unionists committed to demanding seniority pay for workers


More than 200 unionists and activists from 17 unions have committed to conducting a campaign to demand garment workers be given benefits and seniority indemnity if a company lacked orders or shuts down amid the pandemic.

The campaign, under the slogan “Say No to Workers’ Hunger”, began on August 15 and is aimed at pushing the Labour Ministry to cancel its letter saying workers will lose their work benefits during the virus pandemic.

The letter has said it aims to help employers and businesses during the COVID-19 crisis.

Khun Tharo, labour programme manager at the rights group Central, said yesterday the campaign will be ongoing until a solution is found.

“We will continue our campaign to demand the Labour Ministry responds to help workers,” Tharo said.

“The government has cut employees’ benefits via the Labour Ministry’s letter released in June, which does not require employers to pay notice pay and retrenchment compensation to employees,” he said.

He added the unions and some NGOs have submitted petitions to the ministry to demand seniority pay for workers, but no replies have been received.

Ministry spokesman Heng Sour could not be reached for comment.

The ministry issued a letter on August 14, saying no payment in lieu of prior notice and compensation is required from employers during the virus pandemic once the company lacked orders, shut down or went bankrupt.

Source: KhmerTimes

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