Embassy Rescues Cambodian Fishermen from Thai Vessels
Dy Thehoya, program officer for the newly formed Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (Central), said he appreciated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ efforts in urging embassies abroad to assist and rescue Cambodian workers, who are often mistreated by employers and forced to work illegally in excruciating conditions.
“That’s a good signal that the embassy is starting to work for migrant workers,” Mr. Thehoya said. He added that he would like to encourage the Foreign Affairs Ministry to do more to investigate migrant working conditions in order to ensure their commensurate payment and benefits.
“We assume the conditions of the workers on the Thai boats were akin to slavery,” Mr. Thehoya said. “I have rarely seen Thai owners who were involved in human trafficking imprisoned for their crimes.”
Read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/22870/embassy-rescues-cambodian-fishermen-from-thai-vessels/