Migrant Workers in Thailand Face ‘Temporary’ Hurdle
Dy Thehoya, program officer at the Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights, said his group had raised concerns that Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand were required to pay extra fees to fill in forms or documents at the One Stop Service centres.
Mr. Samheng said staff at his ministry and in the committee to assist migrant workers had never required any migrant worker to pay extra fees.
“In cases where someone claims to be an official at the Cambodian embassy or on the committee and demands extra money, please tell the workers to complain to Thai authorities or inform the Cambodia Embassy in Thailand. Cambodia and Thailand will post a list of the official service fees at the One Stop Service centers from August,” he said.
Mr. Thehoya said yesterday that Cambodian migrant workers often pay border officials between 1,000 ($28.50) and 4,000 baht to obtain travel cards.
Read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/24104/migrant-workers-in-thailand-face—-temporary—-hurdle/
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