Der Kämpfer
Tola Moeun engagiert sich in Kambodscha für das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung und Streik. Auch von Anklagen der Regierung lässt sich der Menschenrechtler nicht unterkriegen.
Drop in illegal job moves by migrants in Japan
“The problem may be resolved if the Cambodian government modifies their status from trainees to full-time employees or full-time workers after a specific period of time, perhaps six months,”
Cambodian Migrant Workers Dream of Opportunities at Home
Most migrant workers will be unemployed on their return to their home country because of a lack of job opportunities and programs to get people back into work.
Pitfalls for Hong Kong maid program
They need to be well-trained in Chinese and English languages so they understand the local culture. Working in Hong Kong is generally better than in Malaysia.
Charges Dropped Against Cambodian Worker Rights Advocate
A Municipal Court in Phnom Penh, Cambodia has dropped all charges against well-known worker rights advocate Moeun Tola.
Rights Workers Welcome Dismissal of Charges Against Unionist
A President of the Cambodian Youth Party claimed Moeun Tola had stolen $300,000 of donations collected for Kem Ley’s funeral.
Press Release
The Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights is committed to continuing its missions in promoting labour rights and human rights in Cambodia by strengthening the capacity of workers through the provision of legal aid and other appropriate means.
Court drops charges against labour activist
I am happy that the court decided to drop the charges against me, but at the same time, I hope the judge will also drop the charges against Buntenth and Nguon Teang,” Mr Tola said.
Capital court drops charges against Tola
Dropping the charges is the provision of justice for me as I had argued since the beginning that the allegation is not true because I have not done as accused
CENTRAL Calls on the Ministry of Labour, VF Corporation, 5.11 Inc. and Skechers USA Inc. to Inspect Working Conditions at Pontus Footwear Ltd.
CENTRAL also strongly urges VF Corporation, 5.11 Inc., and Skechers USA to send inspectors to Pontus Footwear Ltd., to independently inspect the factory and the health, safety and working conditions of workers in the factory.
Response From Migrant Worker Communities And Migrant Rights’ Civil Society Organizations With Regards To Ongoing Raids On Undocumented Migrants In Malaysia 4 July 2018
In response to the ongoing enforcement operations on undocumented migrant workers by the Immigration Department of Malaysia and as per press release (31 May 2018) by the Home Affairs Minister of Malaysia
To evaluate CENTRAL’s Strategic Plan (2016-2018) in terms of its efficiency, effectiveness, impact, relevance and trend for sustainability after its three-year implementation period.
Civil Society Rejects Government Attack on Freedom of Expression
Khmer citizens shall have the freedom to express their personal opinions, the freedom of press, of publication and of assembly.
Gender Based Violence in the Asian H&M and Gap Garment Supply Chains: Reports to the International Labor Organization
Tola Moeun, Executive Director of CENTRAL, a Cambodian labour organization described the violence documented in the report as a daily reality
CENTRAL calls on the Ministry of Labour to inspect working conditions following mass fainting at Starite (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
CENTRAL strongly urges the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training to send Labour Inspectors to inspect Starite (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. and the health, safety and working conditions of workers in the factory under Article 233 of the Labour Law.
Gender Based Violence in the Walmart Garment Supply Chain
Tola Meun, Executive Director of CENTRAL says, “Gender based violence is a daily reality for women garment workers driven to meet unrealistic production targets in Walmart supply chains. Most of these cases are not reported due to fear of retaliation in the workplace.”
Award Labor Rights Defender 2018
Tola Moeun, the Executive Director of the Center for Alliance of Labour and Human Rights (CENTRAL) was awarded the 2018 Labor Rights Defender award by the International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF), at an event in Washington DC
Cambodian Civil Society Groups Condemn Ongoing Attacks on Freedom of the Media
We, the undersigned, call for respect for independent media, freedom of expression and an end to the judicial harassment of journalists and free media advocates.
Global chorus of support grows for persecuted Cambodian human rights defender Tola Moeun
Over 100 organizations have now joined the call for an end to the politically motivated prosecution of Cambodian human rights defender Tola Moeun, since a letter to the Cambodian government was published last month.
Global chorus of support grows for persecuted Cambodian human rights defender Tola Moeun
This is part of the on-going clampdown not only against human rights defenders critical of Hun Sen regime but also against the national trade union movement.